Orphans No More

Orphans No More is a two-year generosity initiative of NorthRoad Community Church (October 2023-October 2025). This is far more than a building campaign—this is a call to join God’s mission and invest in something that will matter for eternity. It’s about committing our lives as a church family to the cause of Christ and the mission He gave the church: to share the gospel and make Orphans No More. We want to become a church that lives not only to know Christ but to make Him known in all the world. How will the Lord use you to create Orphans No More?

Pastor Matt Bartig
Orphans No More


Hear powerful stories of life transformation through the Orphan's No More Initiative. Each story highlights personal journeys of reliance, growth, and new found purpose.


F I E L D  M A N U A L

If we all invest in our future together, each of us responding in faith to what God asks us to do, we truly believe that the best is ahead for NorthRoad Community Church. We can’t wait to experience the increasing impact we can have in Lincoln County and beyond.

OUR HEART  -  $500K

James 1:27 says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” At the heart of Orphans No More is the idea that, as a church, we have been called to do everything we can to reach the fatherless, the lost, and the hurting. Our Heart is that there truly would be Orphans No More, so these resources will be used to fund every ounce of outreach we do - from partnering with local ministries such as Divine Nest and Bree’s Gift, to local and international mission trips, and realizing our goal of planting 100 churches in 10 years.


Through Orphans No More, we will continue to support our existing ministry to kids, students, adults, and families by providing opportunities to learn, worship, serve, and connect with others. We believe our church will have an even greater impact on our community by loving even more people to a growing relationship with Jesus! We will consistently invite people to trust and follow Jesus, creating opportunities for kids, students, and adults to know God and find His purpose for their lives.

OUR FUTURE  -  $2.5M

A major part of Orphans No More is expanding our existing footprint to include a new, state-of-the-art worship space, which will allow for substantial growth, as well as allow us to take ministry to a level we have never been to before. In future phases, we will add significant space for the children who call NorthKids home, and begin moving forward with the launch of NorthRoad Academy - a private, Bible-Based, Christian education.

Once you’ve prayed about how to give and feel at peace about it, please fill out a commitment card.